Sunday 22 November 2009





他們忠誠、堅定、富有理想 。
因為珍視友誼 和和睦,INFJ型的人喜歡說服別人,




特殊教育教師  建築設計師 培訓經理/培訓師
職業指導顧問 心理咨詢師 網站編輯 作家 仲裁人
人力資源經理 事業發展顧問 營銷人員
企業組織發展顧問 職位分析人員 媒體特約規劃師
編輯/藝術指導(雜誌) 口譯人員 社會科學工作者
心理學、教育學、社會學、哲學及研究人員 詩人
劇作家 電影編劇 電影導演 畫家 雕塑家 音樂家
藝術顧問 設計師



Rarest personality
type; estimated 2% of population


  • private
  • sensitive
  • quiet leaders
  • great depth of
    personality - intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex,
    sometimes puzzling even themselves
  • introverted
  • abstract in
  • live in a world of
    hidden meanings and possibilities - part of an unusually rich inner life
  • artistic (and
    natural affinity for art), creative, and easily inspired
  • very independent
  • orderly view
    towards the world but within themselves arranged in a chaotic, complex way only
    they could understand

Towards the self

INFJs value their
integrity a great deal. They are generally "doers" as well as great
dreamers. They have high expectations of themselves and need to live their
lives in accordance with what they feel is right.

They do this through total
trust of their intuition. They believe in constant growth and don't often take
time to revel in their accomplishments.

INFJs are proud of their authenticity,
respectful of their benevolence,

confident of their empathy. They also are
constantly in a state of self-renewal.

Towards the world

Towards the
future: credulous, the past: mystical. INFJs prefer the

future and the pathway
along which they aspire for profundity.

They've even been known to have
visions/premonitions/auditory and

visual images of things to come. They are
often said to possess

supernormal intuitive ability in both its forms:
projection and introjection.

They search for their unique identity and place in
the world, constantly

defining this better. They are activists there for the
cause, not for the

power, fantasize about getting revenge on those who
victimize the

defenseless, and put a lot of energy into identifying the best

for getting things done.


An INFJ is often
hard to get to know. They are selective about their friends, but such a
friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words...

They hunger for
deep and meaningful relationships, provide spiritual

intimacy for their mates,
and can only be emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few from among
their long-term friends, family, or obvious "soul mates." In such
relationships, they strive for mutuality, don't believe

in compromising their
ideals, and can understand and deal with complex issues and people.

Towards others

It can be
difficult for an INFJ to articulate their deepest and most

convoluted feelings
to others. They tend to be secretive by holding back

and protecting part of
themselves, thus creating hidden sides to their personality. They are choosy of
what and when to share things and tend to only truly do so with those they
trust. When they reveal things, it is often through speaking interpretively and
metaphorically of the abstract world of their imagination. However, they can
work quite intensely with those close to them, being cooperative in
implementing goals - even though their own

trusted intuition can sometimes make
them stubborn. They can become aware of another's emotions/intentions before
that person is conscious of them.

This leads to strong empathic abilities, an
unusually strong desire to

contribute to the welfare of others while pointing
out human potentials,

and uncanny communications with certain individuals at a
distance. They

are often leaders who go unnoticed, quietly exerting their
influence behind

the scenes. When working with others, they are very sensitive
to conflict

and cannot tolerate it very well. They will prevent/avoid it at all

They also provide an opportunity for fantasy for their children.

INFJs are warm and affirming people who are usually also deep and
complex. They're likely to seek out and promote relationships that
are intense and meaningful. They tend to be perfectionists, and are
always striving for the Ultimate Relationship. For the most part,
this is a positive feature, but           sometimes works against the INFJ
if they fall into the habit of moving from relationship to relationship,
always in search of a more perfect partner.                  In general, the INFJ
is a deeply warm and caring person who is highly          invested  in the health
of their close relationships, and puts forth a lot of effort    to make
them positive.
They are valued by those close to them for these     
special qualities. They seek long-term, lifelong relationships, although
they      don't always find them.

INFJ Strengths

  • Warm and affirming by nature
  • Dedicated to achieving the ultimate relationship
  • Sensitive and concerned for others' feelings
  • Usually have good communication skills, especially written
  • Take their commitments very seriously, and seek lifelong relationships
  • Have very high expectations for themselves and others (both a strength    and weakness)
  • Good listeners
  • Are able to move on after a relationship has ended (once they're sure it's over)
INFJ Weaknesses
  • Tendency to hold back part of themselves
  • Not good with money or practical day-to-day life necessities
  • Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism
  • Have very high expectations for themselves and others (both a strength    and weakness)
  • Have difficulty leaving a bad relationship
INFJs as Lovers

"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as
the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to
joy, fulfillment, and an     intensity of consciousness we did not know
was possible before." -- Rollo May

INFJs are warm, considerate partners who feel great depth of love
for their partners. They enjoy showing this love, and want to
receive affirmation back  from their mates.

They are perfectionists,
constantly striving to achieve the Perfect Relationship. This can
sometimes be frustrating to their mates, who may feel put upon by the
INFJs demanding perfectionism. However, it may also be greatly
appreciated, because it indicates a sincere commitment to the
relationship, and a depth of caring which is not usually present in
other types.




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