Sunday 27 April 2008



Joy is a valuable gift. It is difficult to keep joy in one's heart.  Beware of those who try to steal your joy from you. 

Usually people do not steal our joy deliberately.  We allow them to take it from us.  I can wake up alive and grateful for the beauty and goodness of life and then someone enters my day crabby and disgruntled.  If I'm not careful to guard my joy, I am soon feeling grumpy too.  

I might go to a church service eager to be renewed.  Then I allow the poorly prepared liturgy to dull my spirit.  How difficult it is to hold joy in one's heart and not let it be overcome by the behaviour and attitudes of others. 

Joy is a precious gift from God.  Treasure it and protect it as best you can.


我們應該保衛自己的快樂,別讓其他人搞的破壞得逞.所以明天我請吃西餅.別人都說有必要嗎? 你受的是不公平的對待.固然我是受害者,但有一些人同樣因為我而捱了苦.選擇不去計較原來很平安,很祥和.

我做令自己快樂的事,有心人喜歡做令別人不快的事,道不同,guiding principle也迴異,由他們去吧.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your cake!當真心去幫助別人時,必定不會計較什麽!反而感覺十分開心呢!
