Friday, 25 August 2006

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

每一個生命都在影響著另一個生命, 你所付出的愛, 絕對不會白費. 你所遇到的人, 都會以某種方式再回到生命裡.

Each of us was in your life for a reason. You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth. (P.37)

Time is not what you think. Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on earth is only the beginning.(P.130)

Sacrifice. You made one. I made one. We all make them. But you were angry over yours. You kept thinking about what you lost. You didn't get it. Sacrifice is a part of life. It's supposed to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to. Little sacrifices. Big sacrifices. (P.97)

Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else. (P.98)

You lost something, but you gained something as well. You just don't know it yet. I gained something, too. (P.98)

You have peace when you make it with yourself. ( P.118)

Things that happen before you are born still affect you. And people who come before your time affect you as well. We move through places every day that would never have been if not for those who came before us. Our workplaces, where we spend so much time – we often think they began with our arrival. That's not true. (P.130)


我本是低調的人, 現在更甚. 不過在不能忍受的時候, 還是會爆發.

我鄰座的小妹妹工作擔子最重, 上星期開會時, 部門主管把工作分配給我和她, 一如以往, 懶人可以繼續躲懶. 不知那來的勇氣, 我發難: 可不可以免她? 她的工作量已經夠重. 說完後, 那些主管們的黑面叫我後悔已經來不及, 我看看剛拯救的同事, 低著頭, 不發一言, 不禁暗付: 難道是我多事, 自作聰明?

一如我所料, 主管把她的工作給了我, 把輕一點的給了她. 我也只好接受, 在這裡多管閒事沒有好下場. 離開時, 那同事向我道謝, 我問她怎麼不替自己謀幸福. 也許她不敢, 畢竟只是第二年.

第二天峰迴路轉, 主管說衡量過工作量後, 我和鄰座同事都免去了職責, 改由另外一位主管負責, 事情表面上得到了平反, 但我可能得罪了這主管也說不定. 不過我將會忙得不可開交, 或許沒有命給她折磨.

沉重的工作量, 進修的壓力, 算算看, 每星期有三個晚上要上課, 加上星期六或日的導修課, 連睡覺的時間都算不出來, 怎樣應付工作? 終於想到折衷辦法---早起 ! 如果四點仍不夠早, 三點應該可以, 還有四小時可以睡.

我們的團體, 能者多勞, 無能者安逸. 以上的插曲, 歸根究底也是老闆的責任, 她的專長根本不在行政方面. 為了適事寧人, 她學會了欺善怕惡. 如果你不幸地在她需要用人時被她撞見, 那你只好當她的水泡. 過後她會完全失憶, 如果那陣子她沒有弄錯你原來姓張, 不是姓李, 也不值得恭喜, 不表示你有表現, 只是由水泡變成救生衣罷了.

行政管理失效, 功不賞, 過不罸. 在仁慈的笑容下, 我看到的是糊塗. Sugar on the pill !

我想過, 只有當個自私的惡人, 才可以在這裡生存. 辦不到的話, 只好離開.

Sunday, 20 August 2006


這星期失眠, 兩三點總會瞪著天花板, 於是我以前的惡習又來了---對了, 就是煮東西吃. 最嚴重的時期會煮飯, 現在好一點, 最多煮意粉.

大概這是身體對工作壓力的調適. 朋友說: You're strong. 我需要的不只是肯定......沒有懷疑自己的能力, 而是無法處理壓力.